Our Commitment

At the Alimentation Couche-Tard group of companies (ACT) , we are committed to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct. Our Ethics Code of Conduct fully outlines our dedication to the ethical treatment of our employees and other stakeholders.

The EthicsPoint hotline can be used at any time by employees and other stakeholders, such as vendors or business partners, to report their concerns regarding unethical, fraudulent or illegal behaviours, in violation of professional standards or otherwise inconsistent with ACT’s Ethics Code of Conduct.

This tool enables any employee or stakeholder to report a concern without fear of retaliation or adverse action.

What to report?

If you have knowledge of a possible violation of the ACT Ethics Code of Conduct, or of a breach of applicable laws, rules or regulations, or of any wrongdoing or questionable practice in accounting or auditing matters, you are encouraged to report it.

To the extent possible, ACT will endeavor to keep your concerns confidential.  Where permitted by law, you will have the option to report anonymously.